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Comercial Controller

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Anzeigen-ID JREQ-214529 Veröffentlichungsdatum 02/28/2025

At AAM, the POWER is in our people. We believe that an equitable and inclusive workplace benefits everyone, and that the diversity of our Associates drives creativity and innovation. Our global team is made of dreamers, doers and innovators who are Delivering POWER for a safer, brighter and more sustainable tomorrow.

Job Posting Title

Comercial Controller

Job Description Summary

Analizar y supervisar la situación financiera de una organización para facilitar la toma de decisiones estratégicas

Analyze and monitor the financial situation of an organization to facilitate strategic decision-making.

Job Description

Principales funciones:

• Ayuda a la realización de presupuestos/forecast mensuales y cierres.

• Análisis de las desviaciones que surjan en los resultados mensuales haciendo un análisis y control de la rentabilidad o margen por producto sobre los resultados mensuales.

• Validación de la consistencia de la información que proviene de las diferentes áreas (logística, ventas, stock, inventario…).

• Reporting de los informes previstos en el área, con indicadores de situación y propuestas de mejora.

• Mejoras del sistema y circuitos internos, y estandarización y optimización de procesos.
Main Responsibilities:
• Assisting in the preparation of monthly budgets/forecasts and closures.
• Analyzing deviations in monthly results, focusing on profitability or margin by product.
• Validating the consistency of information from various departments (logistics, sales, stock, inventory, etc.).
• Preparing area reports with performance indicators and improvement proposals.
• Enhancing systems and internal workflows, as well as standardizing and optimizing processes.

Required Skills and Education


• Licenciado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas o similar.

• Experiencia en el área de finanzas/controlling mínimo 3 años.

• Buen nivel de inglés. • Dominio del paquete office y concretamente Oracle como ERP

• Persona analista, proactiva, dinámica y con predisposición.

• Persona comprometida y que colabore
• Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration or a related field.
• At least 3 years of experience in finance/controlling.
• Good level of English.
• Proficiency in Microsoft Office, particularly Oracle as an ERP system.
• Analytical, proactive, dynamic, and motivated individual.
• Committed and collaborative person.

About AAM:

As a leading global Tier 1 Automotive and Mobility Supplier, AAM designs, engineers and manufactures Driveline and Metal Forming technologies to support electric, hybrid and internal combustion vehicles. Headquartered in Detroit with over 80 facilities in 18 countries, we are Bringing the Future Faster for a safer and more sustainable tomorrow. To learn more, visit

Why Join #TeamAAM:

As a member of #TeamAAM, you’ll get to make a difference on day one. From your first day with us, you’ll have the opportunity to grow, embrace challenges, build your skills, and bring your authentic self to work every day, all while helping to shape the future of mobility for AAM…and the world.

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Schauen Sie sich die Eigenschaften an, nach denen wir suchen, und prüfen Sie, ob Sie die richtige Mischung haben.

  • Visionär
  • Reflektiert
  • Führungspersönlichkeit
  • Umsetzungsstärke
  • Führungskraft Wechseln
  • Tatkräftig

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