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Quality Engineer

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Job ID JREQ-211151 Date posted 06/27/2024

At AAM, the POWER is in our people. We believe that an equitable and inclusive workplace benefits everyone and that the diversity of our Associates drives creativity and innovation.  Our global team of associates is made of dreamers, doers and innovators who are Bringing the Future Faster by Delivering POWER for a safer, brighter and more sustainable tomorrow.

As a member of #TeamAAM, you’ll get to make a difference on day one. You’ll have the opportunity to grow, embrace challenges, build your skills and bring your authentic self to work every day, all while helping to shape the future of mobility for AAM…and the world.

Job Posting Title

Quality Engineer

Job Description Summary

Odpowiedzialność za to, że budowane produkty i stosowane procesy są zgodne ze wszystkimi standardami i wymaganiami. Monitorowanie procesów inżynieryjnych i produktów pod kątem zgodności z normami i praktykami. Uczestnictwo w inicjatywach i projektach mających na celu poprawę jakości. Przeprowadzanie przeglądów jakości i audytów wewnętrznych; przygotowanie raportów w celu zatwierdzenia lub wskazania odchyleń od istniejących standardów. Analizowanie danych statystycznych i specyfikacji produktu w celu określenia standardów i ustalenia celów jakości i niezawodności gotowego produktu.

Responsibility for ensuring that products built and processes used comply with all standards and requirements. Monitor engineering processes and products for compliance with standards and practices. Participate in quality improvement initiatives and projects. Conduct quality reviews and internal audits; prepare reports to validate or indicate deviations from existing standards. Analyze statistical data and product specifications to determine standards and set quality and reliability targets for finished product.

Job Description

Główne obowiązki:

  • monitorowanie procesów produkcyjnych w celu zapewnienia zgodności z wymaganiami
  • przeprowadzanie analizy przyczyn reklamacji oraz wdrażanie działań naprawczych
  • tworzenie i nadzorowanie dokumentacji jakościowej: procedury, instrukcje itp.
  • przeprowadzanie audytów wewnętrznych oraz wsparcie działań w trakcie audytów zewnętrznych oraz certyfikujących
  • czynny udział przy nowych uruchomieniach, wyrobów, maszyn oraz procesów
  • współpraca interdyscyplinarna w zakresie rozwoju jakości oraz doskonalenia procesów
  • stały kontakt z kontrahentami zagranicznymi, głównie z Niemiec 

Main responsibilities:

  • monitoring production processes to ensure compliance with requirements
  • conducting analysis of causes of complaints and implementing corrective actions
  • create and supervise quality documentation: procedures, instructions, etc.
  • conducting internal audits and supporting activities during external and certification audits
  • active participation in new launches, products, machines and processes
  • interdisciplinary cooperation in quality development and process improvement
  • permanent contact with foreign contractors, mainly from Germany 

Required Skills and Education


  • wykształcenie wyższe techniczne
  • znajomość języka niemieckiego
  • znajomość procesów produkcyjnych związanych z obróbką stali ( toczenie, frezowanie, wiercenie, szlifowanie)
  • znajomość rysunku technicznego
  • praktyczna znajomość metodyki rozwiązywania problemów  (8D, Fishbone, 5WHY) 
  • wiedza z zakresu statystycznej kontroli procesu (SPC), analizy systemów pomiarowych (MSA), analizy ryzyka (FMEA)
  • umiejętność współpracy w zespole międzynarodowym


  • higher technical education
  • knowledge of German language
  • knowledge of production processes related to steel processing (including turning, milling, drilling, grinding)
  • knowledge of technical drawing
  • practical knowledge of problem solving methodologies (8D, Fishbone, 5WHY) 
  • knowledge of statistical process control (SPC), measurement systems analysis (MSA), risk analysis (FMEA)
  • ability to cooperate in an international team

About American Axle & Manufacturing

As a leading global Tier 1 Automotive and Mobility Supplier, AAM (NYSE: AXL) designs, engineers and manufactures Driveline and Metal Forming technologies to support electric, hybrid and internal combustion vehicles. Headquartered in Detroit with over 80 facilities in 18 countries, AAM is bringing the future faster for a safer and more sustainable future.We work together to support our customers on global and regional platforms with a focus on quality, operational excellence and technology leadership.

With our global footprint, we are committed to building an equitable and inclusive culture that encourages, supports and celebrates the unique voices of our diverse workforce.Be part of the future with #TeamAAM.

Unsolicited Resumes from Third-Party Recruiters
Please note that as per AAM policy, we do not accept unsolicited resumes from third-party recruiters unless such recruiters were engaged to provide candidates for a specified opening. Any employment agency, person or entity that submits an unsolicited resume does so with the understanding that AAM will have the right to hire that applicant at its discretion without any fee owed to the submitting employment agency, person or entity.​

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Success Profile

Check out the traits we’re looking for and see if you have the right mix.

  • Visionary
  • Self-Aware
  • Executive Presence
  • Impact Oriented
  • Change Leader
  • Energetic

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    Physical Well-Being

    • Annual physicals
    • Preventative Screenings and Immunizations
    • Diabetes and Hypertension
    • Prevention and Management
    • Tobacco Coaching
    • Fertility Benefits
  • Icon - Emotional Well Being

    Emotional Well-Being

    • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
    • Behavioral Health Network (in-person, virtual/digital)
    • Stress Management and Mediation Programs
    • Parental Leave Policy
  • Icon - Financial Well Being

    Financial Well-Being

    • Retirement Readiness
    • Debt Management
    • Financial Education and Planning
    • Lifestyle Account
  • Icon - Social Well Being

    Social Well-Being

    • Associate Appreciation Events
    • Lunch with Leaders
    • DEI Steering Committee
  • Coworkers laughing at meeting


    When you join #TeamAAM, you’ll immediately feel the difference. 

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    #TeamAAM is committed to emPOWERing the next generation of leaders.

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    At the heart of #TeamAAM is a group of talented, unique individuals.

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